Sercomm's S1 IoT Platform redefines Smart City street lights, seamlessly integrating smart devices for energy efficiency and multifunctionality. Beyond illumination, these street lights offer Wi-Fi expansion, real-time traffic monitoring, adaptive lighting, citywide surveillance, and advanced crime detection. This enhances urban operations and security significantly.

The platform's integration optimizes energy use, minimizing wastage through adaptive controls and real-time monitoring, leading to reduced costs and environmental impact. Sercomm's connectivity fosters seamless data exchange in the Enterprise Private Network, promoting an integrated and responsive environment. As enterprises embrace the Smart City transition, Sercomm's S1 IoT Platform leads the way, transforming street lights into versatile hubs that cater to diverse urban needs while prioritizing energy conservation.
Key Features
Energy Efficiency Optimization
Energy Efficiency Optimization
The platform integrates energy-efficient technology into street lights, enabling adaptive lighting controls and real-time monitoring. This minimizes energy wastage, reducing operational costs and supporting environmental sustainability.

Smart Device Integration
Smart Device Integration
Sercomm's solution seamlessly integrates smart devices into urban infrastructure, transforming street lights into multifunctional assets. This enables the provision of various services beyond traditional illumination, enhancing enterprise efficiency and security.
Wi-Fi Coverage Expansion
Wi-Fi Coverage Expansion
The platform extends Wi-Fi coverage by utilizing street lights as strategic points for connectivity, catering to the communication needs of the enterprise private network and the broader Smart City environment.
Real-time Traffic Monitoring
Real-time Traffic Monitoring
Incorporating real-time traffic monitoring capabilities into street lights enhances traffic management within the enterprise network and the city, improving road safety and congestion control.
Adaptive Lighting Control
Adaptive Lighting Control
The S1 IoT Platform enables dynamic lighting adjustments based on ambient conditions, enhancing visibility while minimizing unnecessary energy consumption.
Advanced Crime Detection
Advanced Crime Detection
By integrating advanced sensors and analytics, street lights become tools for crime detection and prevention, bolstering safety and security in the enterprise private network and the city.