Care for our People
We cherish all characteristic and embrace the uniquness of every individual because we believe that by doing so we can shape the world for the better. Sercomm upholds its innovative and forward-looking corporate culture to implement humane management and encourages appropriate work-life balance to stimulate employees’ vitality and creativity. Through various ways and channels, Sercomm continuously thrives in fulfilling the company’s commitments to the society.
What we are proud of
different nationalities
in Sercomm’s workforce
across our global sites.
of global management
positions are performed
by our local employees.
retention rate of new
DL Employees in the first
3 month in 2022
A healthy ratio of
gender distribution
in our workforce
of employee training
coverage rate (HQ)
in 2022.
Continue to keep the
number of major occupational
disasters at zero.
What we are committed to
Sercomm strives toward a diversity of talents, attaches great importance to employee communication, and emphasizes the values of tolerance, equality, and belongingness. Recognized by the 2022 LinkedIn Talent Award, Sercomm was selected as one of the “Diversity Champion” finalist companies in Taiwan. 

The company follows the existing relevant national laws, including the Labor Standards Act, the Employment Services Act and the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, etc., to ensure that applicants and employees are treated equally in the aspects of recruitment, assignment, development, evaluation and reward, and to prohibit the employment of child labor or forced labor and violations of human rights. 

Sercomm Employee Policies:

  • Comply with relevant labor laws and regulations
  • Avoid the use of child labor and involuntary labor
  • Prohibit duress, harassment and discrimination
  • Continue improvements on protection of employee rights
  • Respect employees' freedom of organizing associations
  • Operate incorruptibly and prohibit accepting briberies and embezzlement
  • Make public the information of the business activities, organization structure, financial condition and performance
  • Respect and protect intellectual property rights
  • Follow fair trade and legitimate competition
  • Protect the identify of informants
  • Actively participate in various community activities

Employees complaint & grievance (unethical behaviors, sexual harrasements, corrupt practices) e-mail: 

Being Attentive
Being Attentive
Here in Sercomm we always listen to what our people have to say. We believe that by creating a true culture of well-being it helps to drive the business forward and keep it relevant.
Being Fair & Equal
Being Fair & Equal
All our business locations forbid unlawful discrimination, ensure equal job opportunities, prohibit any form of forced labor, and provide colleagues with fair working conditions.
Safe & Happy Workplace
Safe & Happy Workplace
Providing a safe and healthy work environment for employees is one of the most basic obligations of Sercomm as a corporate citizen to ensure the safety of the operating environment, to mitigate occupational disasters, and to instill management policies to secure employees’ safety.
We share and we work together
We share and we work together
We are convinced that to foster a culture of innovations and creativity in our workpalce it requires constant and collaborative communications between all our employees and we strive to build and implement multiple communication channels for our people.
Our People, Our World
Corporate Health Check Tour & Seminars
Sercomm’s held a total of 13 health check sessions and 25 health consulation service and seminars in 2022.  We are committed to providing and caring for the physical and mental health of our employees, and we continue to promote health care measures and health promotion activities.

Superb Welfare System:

Sercomm believes that a good working environment not only can improve the work efficiency, but also can foster employee’s enthusiasm. Helping the employee to have a steady job and family income is the main driving force to keep employees at ease and focus on their jobs. Through the offer of a diversified welfare policy and various employee recreation activities, Sercomm is able to promote social relations, to increase humane quality and further to enhance employees’ productivity and morale, and achieve the goal of work-life balance.

  • Comprehensive insurance plan: The company has every employee covered under the labor insurance and national health insurance to ensure the employees of full protection. In addition, the company further extends health insurance to cover employees’ spouses and children to allow employees and their families to receive better and more adequately protection.
  • Complete pension system: According to "Labor Standards Act" and "Labor Pension Act", Sercomm has a sound financial system and formulates the employee retirement policy to provide secured pension funds and payments and to guarantee its employees their future retirement lives.
  • Paid vacation program for balancing work and life: The company provides a paid vacation system better than that of Labor Standards Act. In additional to various vacations granted under the laws, the company also offers a flexible number of paid vacation days. Employees are able to enjoy their paid vacations 3 months after reporting to work.
  • Other welfares: including the provision of emergency relief, cash gift for marriage / fertility / funeral /birthday and 3 major traditional holidays, subsidies for department dinner parties, movies, association expenses and staff leisure travel.
Safe Workplace and Employee Care
Providing a safe and healthy work environment for employees is one of the most basic obligations of Sercomm as a corporate citizen to ensure the safety of the operating environment, to mitigate occupational disasters, and to instill management policies to secure employees" safety.
Strategies *The ISO 45001 management system is implemented at the main production plants to promote prevention-oriented safety and health management.

Implementation of the operation environment safety policies:
Sercomm accurately complies with the Labor Safety and Health Act and its Enforcement Rules. No matter in the office or the factory, the company’s environmental safety and health and the improvement operations are supervised by dedicated personnel in order to effectively prevent occupational illness and hazard so employees can work in a safer environment.
Goals *Continue to keep the number of major occupational disasters at zero.

• Safety and Health Education and Training: To strengthen employees’ workplace safety and health awareness and in compliance with the “Regulations for Labor Safety and Health Education and Training” issued by the Council of Labor Affairs, quarterly educational trainings are offered to help employees to understand Sercomm’s Labor Safety and Health Policies. 
• Operation Environment Measurement: According to Article 7 of the “Labor Safety and Health Policy”, the measurement of carbon dioxide concentrations is implemented and inspections are conducted intensively by professional technicians every 6 months. To ensure good air quality, air pollutants produced in general workplaces, including offices and factories, are discharged timely in order to maintain employees’ health and safety. 
Commitments *Take the safety and hygiene of the work environment seriously and strive to create a safe and healthy workplace.

• Staffing of emergency personnel: The company has emergency personnel to handle on-site emergency in the event of unexpected situations. All the emergency personnel also receive trainings regularly and have related licenses to ensure the safety of employees in the operation environment. 
• Access Security Monitoring: Our offices and factories are all equipped with security monitoring to secure personal properties and safety of employees during non-business hours, and before or after office hours. 
• Operation Environment Safety Monitoring: The monitoring is installed for the needs of special operation environments, such as installing anti-static floor tiles in research and development laboratories, monitoring the power supply of instruments, installing large-scaled air conditioning units to ensure the air quality of the laboratories, etc.  
Occupational Safety and Health Management / Committee
The company has established safety and health management as well as hired safety and health professionals to take charge of the planning, promotion, supervision, and assessment of safety and health management. The main plants have employed the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle to systematically implement the occupational safety and health management and regularly review the implementation status of the occupational safety and health system.

Health and safety management:

In the aspect of environment and safety management during operations, Sercomm has not only established safety and health risk assessment, contractors’ commitments on environmental pretection management and safety audit systems, but also formulated disaster and emergency procedures, escape routes and regular fire drills to ensure that impacts and damages to the company’s finance and personnel, the society and environment is minimized when a disaster hits.

 • Conduct inspections and tests regularly in the factories: The company performs maintenance, inspections and tests regularly on the air compressors, generators, fire extinguishing systems, electrical systems, and exhaust systems, etc.
•Wear safety protection gears: For different operation environments, make sure that employees wear proper safety protection gears, including electrical insulating gloves, electrical insulating boots, masks, protective glasses, activated carbon masks, heat-resistant anti-static gloves and anti-static clothing and shoes, etc.
•Special operation equipments or tools must be operated by personnel who have related licenses: In addition to conducting regular maintenance and inspections on the forklifts and special operation equipment or tools, the operations thereof shall be perform by personnel who have related operating licenses.
•Regularly maintain and actively inspect machinery and equipment: Various machines and equipment are routinely under voluntary inspections and regular maintenance to ensure their stability and safety. Once any fault is discovered, the machine shall be sent for repair immediately, whereas the X-ray machine shall be operated in compliance with the “X-Ray Safety Operation Guidelines” to ensure employees’ safety during operations.  
Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training
Sercomm 2021 Fire Drill, Electric Shock Emergency Drill, Food Poisoning Contingency Plan Dril

• Fire drills: The company conducts fire drills every six months for all staff of Chunan and Suzhou factories respectively in order to acquaint employees with the response techniques of reporting, emergency evacuation, on-site control and tending the injured, so that they are prepared for unexpected situations.
• Establishment of the self-defense fire department: The company has established the self-defense fire department, consisting of various groups who are respectively responsible for commanding, reporting, rescuing and medical caring, firefighting, security and evacuation guidance to ensure employees’ safety in the operation environment.
Diversified Clubs and Activities
In Sercomm we respects individual’s freedom of assembly and association, encourages and assists the formation of diverse clubs, allowing employees to develop their personal interests. In order to cultivate the colleague relationship among employees Sercomm organized activities as well as founded diversified clubs optional to employees, including the basketball club, swimming club, biking club, Yoga Club, Fitness club, badminton club, cooking club, diving club, eSports club, and etc.
Social Participations
  • Support foodbank Taiwan
  • Support nursing home
  • Support charitable events
  • Proud Gold sponsor of adaptive spirit
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